Thursday, March 31, 2011

BooSt Your UnderStandinG!

What Is being an entrepreneur", is something persons often disregard to ask themselves formerly starting an online business. This is exact of offline as healthy as online small businesses.
Entrepreneurs have to outline their own goals, and map out how to get there.
Nobody tells an entrepreneur when to turn the lights out. They don't even tell you which lights!
It's not company policy or procedure and you don't have a boss to lead the way.
Entrepreneurs need to accept full responsibility for getting where they need to be... or not. No one to blame when things go bad.
When you are your own boss, you assume great risk, but you also own the potential of great reward.
The prize of creating something of your own and outstanding it until it glows.
5 Keys To Success As An Entrepreneur:
  1. Have a plan - Decent ideas and goals are just happy talk. We have all heard and even spoken some happy nowhere.
  2. Have aims - Having specific aims in mind and then moving backwards in time to create plans, tasks and mileposts to reach those goals is effective. Another way of looking at it might be, beginning your business with an end in mind and backing into your day to day milestones, tasks, etc...whatever is necessary to get there.
  3. Create revenue streams before being perfect - Goals and plans are meant to be modified. Stuff happens. Don't sit around planning for so long that you never actually DO anything, or by the time you finally execute, the opportunity is gone. I started all of my offline businesses with almost no money down, early wins and then, I hired employees and consultants with the profits we had already banked. Buying office space and hoping people will come is crazy. Plan, pause, look things over once, and then...EXECUTE!
  4. Know your assets - No one can do THE WHOLE THING!. Even people who can do many things can't have adequate time to do the whole thing. Focus on a few things that you love to do and are good at and surround yourself with people that are better than you at those things.
  5. Track material and act on it -This "stuff" will consist of numbers, which will vary depending on the business with the exception of financials. Things sold, contracts outstanding, calls get the point. The dollar figures though are the same; Money coming in, timing of money coming in, projected additional money coming in, money going out, timing of money going out and projected additional money going out. The accountants have other names for these, but that's so they can charge you to act "wicked smart" as they say in my neck of the woods. Staying ahead of the numbers makes success far more likely.
What is entrepreneurship?
These things move them well and do them constantly.
Now it's time for a little two-facedness, and that accusation may not be entirely without merit...
We learn these things the hard way. No possible way I always did, or always do these things.
These things take self-control. They take structure. They take determination.
That doesn't modify the fact that when I've done them, I've made more money, and when I've not done them, I've made less.
It's like working out your passion.
You can get away with breaks here and there and still persist.

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