Wednesday, March 30, 2011

GreaT JapaNese TooL on eArning MoNey

Great Japanese

(for professional travelers)

Win an proper market share with the phrases that never takes bye-bye

For an answer


Furtive and Mastery

Few Westerners visit Japan for pleasure – it’s farther away than Fiji, more crowded than New York, more exclusive than surgery and more alien, than mars.

Many Westerners in Japan seek to some degree more exciting and satisfying than inclination of money. This article will therefore geared travelers and business entrepreneurs to bring not only those meaningless transactions and snapshots but also fresh ink on contracts and cashiers’ check.

What trails is meant to help readers study and meditate before venturing into the arcane world of Japanese business. Careful preparation is required because many of the qualities we admire in our executives and salespeople-charm, candor, aggressiveness, unusual neckties- spell certain death in Japan.

There isn’t enough room here to address the most complex questions such as why people who are so polite urinate in the street, why  they despise and admire us so deeply or how they make superior products without the help of million dollar executives.

The purpose of this article is to help create Wicked Business people to earn wicked money and to have basic skills in Japanese literature and language.


To work for a Japanese company you must forget your western way. You are expected  to dedicate your body and soul to work. Nothing can take precedence over the needs of the corporation including your own emotional or financial well being. And the firm has no room for stars, maverick or non-Japanese executives, no matter what their talents

The following phrases will help you in you job interviews in Japan.

I want to sing                                                     Shinumade,

The company                                                        shu ni muika

Song six                                                           maiasa shaka

Mornings a                                                         o utautai to

Week for the                                                         omoimasu

Rest of my


I will always                                                        Tatoe karera

Agree with                                                           ga machigatte

My superiors,                                                       itemo, watashi

Even when no joshi niwa

They are                                                              sakarai
Totally wrong.                                                        Masen.

I do not care                                                       Okanemoke ni

About making                                                         kyomi wa

Money.                                                               Arimasen

We never                                                            Uwayaku to

Contradict our                                                       shototsu

Superiors!                                                           Shinai!

Happiness for                                                       kaisha no

All people as                                                        hatten wa

Company                                                              jibun no

Grows ever                                                          seicho da.


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